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Backpacks and Bruises is built on a friendship lasting 41 years and counting.  A decision to meet halfway in the Peak District one winters day 'for a walk' was to spark a journey and a shared passion for advocating the benefits of time spent in the outdoors, and would open up new personal challenges they would never have expected.  

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Sam lives in the High Peak with her partner Dave, son Jake and Daughter Holly and Sausage Dog Eccles!  She can be found wandering up hill and down dale most evenings after work.  She started hiking in 2016 on weekends to escape the routine of full time work and running a household.  This lead to a passion for the outdoors, and in turn improved her fitness and mental well being.


Favourite Animal? 'Dog'

Mountain or Ocean? 'Mountains'

Favourite Walk so far? 'Striding Edge, or The Great Ridge in the Peak District.. can I have two?'

Who would you replace Sue with as a new hiking buddy, past or present? 'David Attenborough'




Sue lives with her son Tom and partner Allan. As well as walking, she loves wild swimming at every opportunity with or without her bathing suit! For Sue the outdoors is a way of going back to her childhood days of swimming in cold lakes, camp fires, building dens and exploring caves.


Favourite Animal? 'Donkey'

Mountain or Ocean? 'Both, and Forrests'

Favourite Walk so far? 'Beating the crowds and watching the sunrise on Snowdon and Win Hill Peak District (well Sam had two)'.

Who would you replace Sam with as a new hiking buddy, past or present? 'My Mum' 




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