Straight from The Herds Mouth..

'I've been on many walks with Backpacks & Bruises, and every time its a fantastic day out with plenty of stunning countryside and a bunch of friendly folk who also just want to get out and visit the stunning places Sue and Sam guide you to. Always a few laughs and pork pies, and of course a pint at the end. A fab way to get out if you're on your own but like the safety of a friendly group'
Gary Swift
'Great walks organised by really friendly people. We were a bit apprehensive but a really warm welcome awaited us on our first walk with The Herd. Well done guys, keep up the good work.'

Dave Taylor
'I joined The Herd last month and really enjoyed the walk, to think its a few Years since I last went on a long walk I instantly felt at ease. I'm now looking forward to mamy more walks with these fantastic people.'

Susan H.
Every time I go out with this group I have a great time. Every one is friendly and welcoming. Helped me get back out into the stunning countryside and gave me the confidence to go out and explore other places. Thanks Guys.
What a brilliant day, my first time out with the herd and it won’t be my last great bunch of people finished off with a nice pint. Sometimes you have to go and do things on your own when family/friends are busy or don’t share same interests as you already looking forward to the next one.
