25th November, 2019
Ok, lets first address that we had all good intentions of keeping this blog updated on a regular basis. However, we have been busy, like really busy. And to be fair I think we do pretty well to keep up with the social media side of things as well as the channel editing, work, life's turbulence, kids, blah blah blah.
So we are going to carry on the blog as was intended (as if we had never really forgot that we had one), to back up the story of our walks, events, and guide you if needed on where to start, finish and more importantly where to get a pint. A place to share routes, events, tips and anything else outdoors related. So grab a brew and have a read along to see what we've been up to, and let us know what you think! we are always happy to hear from like minded outdoors enthusiasts alike.

2019 So far!
The start of the New Year 2019 was, as far as Backpacks and Bruises was concerned full of adventures and plans for the year ahead, we had a feeling it was going to be an active year and we weren't wrong. On a personal level, life has its challenges at the moment but not only are we bruisers by name and nature, we are Yorkshire bred, we deal with it, we protect our own, and we do it all with dignity in tact. Onward! in so many ways.
The highlight for us this year has been the success of our Peak Meets. Just over a year ago we decided we would ask anyone if they would like to join us in the Peak District for a little group walk, we were nervous to say the least, and prepared to look a little silly if it was just Sam's dad that would be turning up. What we were not prepared for was ACTUAL people turning up!! and not only local folk but strangers travelling distances just to come along on our little jaunt up to Win Hill! we were a little surprised and very relieved.

'Curbar Edge' 2019 - The Herd!
Since that first walk and during this Year we have now grown to a very modest 20+ strong 'Herd'! Faces that return on every walk we now call our friends, and new faces every time that are welcomed into the group. Everyone seems to always leave with a smile (probably the pub effect to be fair) and for us we get so much back from organising these walks and the feedback we get is amazing, we truly are loving these Meets and we feel very proud of ourselves, and proud of those that have achieved their own personal goals from joining us on these walks.
Apart from the Peak Meet Ups we have ticked off a few other goals on the to do list, one being the mighty Helvellyn via Striding Edge we came, we thought about it, we scratched our heads a little, we conquered, then we went for a pint. Our road trips are always fun and the videos that we put out after every little excursion are greatly received. The fact that we always seem to be celebrating a birthday around these road trips seems to be a theme, and apparently you enjoy watching these just as much as the climb, must be the vodka/rum merriment that goes with our summit success. Cheers!

Across our social media outlets we have built a strong community of people that have gotten to know us these past couple of years and share the banter, the successes and sometimes our disappointments whilst out on the hills. We always remain true to ourselves and know our strengths and weaknesses, we know each others capabilities and we try to encourage each other and other people, to face fears and to find adventures when we can. So when doors unexpectedly open with opportunity we take full advantage...
When one of our mutual followers and subscribers (YouTubing hero (One Man and his Whippet) Dave Bertholini sent us an email asking us if we'd like to join him and the crew of a 72ft around the world sailing yacht called Catzero we said Hell Yes!!! Well one of us did. Those legs may be long but sea worthy legs? it was going to take a little coaxing. Never one to let her team mate down, it didn't take much to persuade Sam that this was something we could not miss out on.

Sam's little green moment.
Making a video to raise awareness for this amazing charity was probably the most pressure we'd ever felt whilst filming and a challenge in itself, we really wanted to give something back to the skipper and crew for giving us this amazing opportunity, and it is our hope that we can continue to help in some way to spread the word of this self funded charity and raise awareness of the unbelievable opportunity these guys help give to the people who need the chance and the skills gained from working and sailing this beautiful yacht.

We met some great YouTubers on the sail day, and I'm sure we will meet up with this great bunch again soon, we have all uploaded our videos and pledged to spread the word and help out when we can. To see our vid with links to the other YouTubers Channels, you can watch by clicking the link here! Once Catzero, always Catzero!
To find out more about the amazing work Catzero do for under privileged families and people in need of support, check out the website by clicking this link.
As we are coming to the close of 2019, we are, as always, looking forward. Changes are a foot (exciting changes), plans are being made, and we are eager to get back into our stride. We have done some great walks in the Peak District in the past couple of Years and there is soo much more we want to discover.

Our videos are still a joy to make and we cant wait to document more adventures while ever they are popular. Every view, like, comment, and share we receive is greatly appreciated and fuels our tired legs to get out and do even more.

In the world of YouTube a modest 1.2k following is not much of a dent, but to us its kind of a Big Deal!
For details of the Peak Meets and any other events that may pop up, you can find us on Instagram and Facebook for updates. Head over to our YouTube channel for a visual feast of the glorious Peak District and beyond.

Sam & Sue xx